Tuesday, May 31, 2011

horses mating pics

horses mating pics. horses mating close up.
  • horses mating close up.

  • BeefUK
    Aug 24, 06:13 PM
    I hope this means they'll update the Macbooks too, mac mini with Core 2 Duo and not in the macbook would be strange!!!

    I can understand the macbook pro being updated on it's own but the mini???

    horses mating pics. horses mating with each other.
  • horses mating with each other.

  • jephrey
    Jul 14, 10:53 AM
    I thought that there were other benefits to BD, therefore I've been backing their effort. I read that the scratch resistance of a BD is amazing. I know that there's a size issue at this point, but 25G on one layer is nicer than 30 on 2. Yes, you're going to pay for it, but there's much more "potential" with BD. We justified the expense of our macs using a similar argument. Finally, I think that in the future, we'll be needing that extra space on the 2-6 layers of a BD for uncompressed or losslessly compressed Hi-Fi audio/video. And is BD limited to MEPG-2, or can't it do MPEG-4 h.264 ? But all this may be bunk. I'm waiting for the first HVD to come out, then I can just stour a few TB on each disc. I'll just burn a main and a backup and keep all my digital data on them.


    horses mating pics. horses mating donkeys.
  • horses mating donkeys.

  • CmdrLaForge
    Nov 28, 10:05 AM
    In fact - that comparison is a little early. Make the same one in 5 years.

    I am wondering how the comparison for the XBox vs. Playstation vs. others looked like some days after the initial start.

    horses mating pics. horses mating with each other.
  • horses mating with each other.

  • Sirmausalot
    Apr 12, 09:34 PM
    BETA! We no GET

    horses mating pics. pictures of horses mating with
  • pictures of horses mating with

  • Full of Win
    Jun 22, 05:40 PM
    No chance. The ergonomics would be a disaster.

    Treat apps like widgets, which have been part of the OS 5-7 years. Allow touch or curser control.

    horses mating pics. horses mating with donkey.
  • horses mating with donkey.

  • stcanard
    Nov 28, 04:53 PM
    Word? Word's being replaced more and more by e-mail. I used to type my notes in GMail and sometimes I write essays in GMail

    You might, but most businesses don't. Look at how many job applications require resumes in MS Word format. Its not the simple letters and essays that are the issue (especially with OOo being so good on import/export) but the complicated documents that come out of managers and product managers. With a resume I ceratainly don't want to risk that their version of word isn't quite compatible with my OOo export, but that's why I send it in PDF since I don't even trust Word.

    horses mating pics. horses mating close up.
  • horses mating close up.

  • fr4c
    Nov 23, 01:29 PM
    Oh you are making me hungry...


    Tires for the winter

    horses mating pics. horses mating close up. years
  • horses mating close up. years

  • Eidorian
    Aug 26, 11:16 AM
    Could the deciding factor be the noise?

    Not arguing about whether a Conroe would fit in the iMacIntel case - but wondering whether the extra heat would result in extra noise from the cooling fans.

    The iMacIntel doesn't have to as fast as it possibly can, especially since the New Form-Factor Conroe Mini-Tower/Home-Theatre Mac® will be there for people who want a bit more power without the size and cost of the maxi-tower ProMacIntel.Noise could be an issue in the iMac. Still, even the Rev. C iMac G5 was much quieter then the Rev. B.

    The only noise my iMac Core Duo makes is when it wakes from sleep and reading the SuperDrive.

    horses mating pics. horses mating up close. horse
  • horses mating up close. horse

  • ChrisA
    Nov 15, 10:47 AM
    yup, and my webpages will load in the blink of an eye... definitely worth whatever apple will charge. ;)

    seriously though, how hard is it to get a program to multi-thread? (if thats the right term; being a complete programming novice, i've no idea)

    You answered your own question, in a way. Most people's taskes are not computational. A faster CPU will not make a page load faster. The bottle neck is the speed of the INternet connection. Same with wordprocessing and email. CPU speed is not required.

    Whre this WILL help is is video editing and photography. Batch conversions of RAW images will go faster. and for those jobs they are already multi-threaded

    As for how easy is it the multi-thread a program. I've done i. Basically you need to design the system from the ground up. There are some special cases where you can add it lter. this would apply to programes that do a computation on a large stack of data while the user waited. You could just swap out the computation modual. But in general it is pretty much a re-design.

    horses mating pics. horses mating close up. cows
  • horses mating close up. cows

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 26, 04:39 AM
    Playing that game with the HDMI dongle thingy hanging off an iPad looks, um, not ideal. Now, if it could stream it using AirPlay.

    I hope too.

    horses mating pics. horses mating donkeys. a horse
  • horses mating donkeys. a horse

  • kristapsz
    Jan 12, 11:42 AM
    The google cache for adium usage stats page: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:-KC3ZK_6EgEJ:www.adiumx.com/sparkle/%3FforceShow%255B%255D%3Dmodel+macbookair&hl=en&strip=1
    It was retrieved on 9.jan and it already contained Macbook Air entry, few days before the rumors came.
    Basically the name Macbook Air seems to be real. Only thing is what stands behind that name. :)

    horses mating pics. horses mating with each other.
  • horses mating with each other.

  • innominato5090
    Feb 24, 01:14 AM
    I've arm-mounted my display, but I should have arm-mounted my display and MBP as you've done. Only problem is that arm won't support my 28" monitor :eek:

    I knew I should have gone with this (http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/monitor/monitor-dell-sp2309wfp/pd.aspx?refid=monitor-dell-sp2309wfp&cs=22&s=dfh) instead. My brother and father each have one, and they both love them. Only problem is Dell doesn't seem to sell them anymore. And when they did sell them, the price seemed to change every week-- usually somewhere between $200 and $350.

    how do you drive a monitor like that? I tought that both HDMI and DVI has respectivetly 1920*1080 and 1920*1200 as max res. ! am I wrong?

    horses mating pics. horses mating with each other.
  • horses mating with each other.

  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 9, 08:50 PM
    It was/ is very clean and well cared for. Right now its a 5ft paint job, which is all orig :o I have all 22 years of records which is damn nice. How much did I pay? I'd rather not say, but as a reference, I think one looking for such a clean car in good mechanical condition pay $4-5k for a car with no mods. Blue book for these cars with the mileage they typically have is $2k. I completely overpaid for a stock car, however I wanted a clean/ mechanically excellent car that's ready for competition, so I was willing to pay quite a premium to find EXACTLY what I was looking for.

    After owning this for a week and 1 day, I want to now purchase a 325i convertible. I missed a few steals last month :( However all would probably have needed just $3-4k in work to make it another DD.

    BTW when quoting, at the max only include 1 pic. It's a pita to scroll through the same pics 2x. Thanks for the compliment though.

    horses mating pics. Feral horses in New Zealand
  • Feral horses in New Zealand

  • miniroll32
    Jun 24, 07:47 AM

    the iMacPadPodPhoneMiniNano-S

    horses mating pics. horses mating pics. two,
  • horses mating pics. two,

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 05:12 PM
    I am talking about graphics capabilities now.

    Actually, you are just confused and trying to back peddle:

    You are talking DirectX version numbers(which already has nothing to do with what we're talking about and has no bearing under OS X) in relation to OpenCL when OpenCL has nothing to do with DirectX? Something doesn't add up here.

    horses mating pics. Tennessee Walking Horses for
  • Tennessee Walking Horses for

    Jan 30, 05:44 AM
    Best handling car i have ever driven.... have a 5 month old little boy though so i think its days are numbered in favour of a truck!

    horses mating pics. horses mating up close. when
  • horses mating up close. when

  • G4R2
    Nov 29, 03:09 PM
    I would say some obvious features that were not shown in the iTV demo but might make it onto the final product would include:

    - Web browsing
    - iPod games
    - E-mail
    - iChat/VOIP
    - iPod/iTunes music/video purchasing and sync (via wireless iPod or iPod cradle?)
    - Wireless N router

    There may be more functions that are related to Leopard or future Apple devices. Will it stream content to an iPhone like a Slingbox or Orb on the PC? Will it sync with a video iPod?

    It really depends on how Apple intends to position this device, either as a standalone wireless hub for media content or an accessory to other Macs.

    horses mating pics. Horse Mating Video Images: The
  • Horse Mating Video Images: The

  • Sbrocket
    Jan 11, 05:20 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...

    You may want to retract that...

    Why do you assume that the information was based off the posters, rather than simple coincidence or MR waiting for some corroboration? That's a bad assumption if I had to say so.

    horses mating pics. horses mating close up.
  • horses mating close up.

  • zedsdead
    Apr 12, 09:14 PM

    It does look like iMovie Pro.

    Mar 22, 03:56 PM
    I wonder if they'd give a revamped Classic Airplay capabilities... in addition to being the pocket media player we all know and love make it an addition to your other devices as a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. I'd buy another one then. I mean, I have a terabyte Toshiba drive that i carry in my laptop case, but that requires the USB cable. Who wants to dongle their drive?

    This does make sense. It's also a nice opportunity to add Thunderbolt to a device. Apple would probably make it go through the iPod connector, but I don't really see that as a problem.

    Oct 24, 06:06 AM

    no joke

    at least in Germany

    Thumbs up :)

    Apr 2, 07:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This is simply an amazing ad.

    Nov 29, 09:03 PM
    I think that 17" is great - they've got'em already with the iMac. Prices to need to drop with the market. They'll still be more as the monitors are of better quality. IMHO:

    17" - $399
    20" - $599
    23" - $899
    30" - $1899

    I question the validity of a 17" stand-alone widescreen. Doesn't make sense, IMO. A 20" is already fairly compact and provides little more area and takes up no more room than a 17" 4:3 display.

    As for pricing, I agree on some of what you posted -- the prices definitely need to go DOWN. What I don't agree with are the prices you posted -- even if Apple keeps a 20% premium over brands like Samsung, the prices should look more like:

    17" - $269
    20" - $349
    24" - $629
    30" - $1,699

    ...Like I said, those would be premium prices and are a good 10 to 20% higher than the going rate for good monitors with current panels (Samsung/Dell). Also with the next monitor revision, you can expect Apple to dump the 23" in favor of a 24" panel.

    Jul 13, 10:53 PM
    Put it in the Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro 17" and I'm all over it. Would still like to see if HD-DVD prevails.

    Now, I have a plasma hdtv that'll "do" 1080i and a dvd player that can output and upscale (if needed) to 1080i--can I burn 1080i sources and play the BR disk in my dvd player OR will I also need a BR player to view HD video? 25gb per side is a nice chunk o' storage though.


    You'll neet a blu ray player. A non blu-ray dvd player does not have the correct laser to read a blu ray disc.

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