Saturday, May 21, 2011

katherine schwarzenegger images

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  • arkitect
    Feb 1, 09:01 AM
    I don't know what a PRSI is. Grr
    MacRumors' forum - Politics, Religion, Social Issues

    I was just curious, because it seems as if it is a "different" person posting. Perhaps in a day or two we'll see you posting how your little sister or mom got hold of your MacRumors account and posted all kind of weird stuff.

    It has happened before.

    Anyway, on to better things…

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 02:30 PM
    Yes. Usually from the time the launch day is announced to a month or two after it ships. In the past there has been a $10-20 media charge but if 10.7 ships via the app store I guess it will be free or some nominal amount like $1 to satisfy any accounting rules.

    Ditto. :apple: Usually sets a timeframe, or Mac model that would have been released shortly before the next major OS upgrade. They do this to lure in developers to the newer version of they OS and to demonstrate to the press that the Mac community in majority have adopted the new release. Anything else is just marketing and supposed accounting. :)

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  • zorinlynx
    Apr 13, 08:58 PM
    They could have avoided all this drama by just not announcing the white iPhone until it was ready, but noooo.

    If no one knew it was planned, there wouldn't have been all this bitching, and Apple could have surprised us with it.

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  • philshilla
    May 4, 07:53 AM
    A sales rep reply is now how low the credibility standards have fallen?
    While you are collecting more hard data like this, I'll be prepping my Black card for the purchase of a pair of new iPhone 5s in June.


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  • MacNut
    Mar 8, 02:29 AM
    The show hasn't been officially cancelled. Before today, they shut down production for the last 8 episodes for this season. Today, they fired Sheen and said they are unsure if the show will go on. Knowing Hollywood, they'll go on with a replacement. Oddly, Sheen replaced Michael J. Fox on his show when Fox quit and it went on for another 2 or 3 seasons.They can hire Ted McGinley.

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  • 123walter
    Jun 27, 05:17 AM
    Aside from the whole "personal responsibility" debate, why doesn't Apple just allow cancel/refund of purchases as long as it is done before the download is finished (meaning it's impossible to use)?

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

    I get refunds all the time. Maybe its because I usually go to the "problem" section in the itunes store. But failing that the creator. But I have gotten refunds from several. Also Its early and Im not thiinking too clear..but you can go to your ACCOUNT and authorize whichever device you wanna allow to use your purchases. Of course I dont think this will help if you set up a new account for a gift, but you can GIVE apps to others. I apologize if my somnambulism has misread your intent. WOuldnt be the first time.


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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 02:03 PM
    Highly unlikely that Apple will release an actual tv. More probable are televsions from major manufacturers that have air play functionality built in.


    Why would anybody with limited know how about TV manufacturing go into that field?

    USING somebody elses TV to display whatever makes much more sense.

    I could see them coming in with a blockbuster smart projector device.

    Now we are talking:-)

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  • Apple OC
    May 2, 12:08 AM
    I support the crowd gathering at Ground Zero in NYC ... it is a great day for them :cool:


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  • Plutonius
    Apr 19, 12:29 PM
    my point wasn’t we need to start; it was that we aren’t getting players. I figured i’d bump it to maybe get the thread some notice.

    When do dp and i argue?:confused:

    i'll play, mostly to annoy aggie.
    But i won't ask any clarification on the rules so the usual suspect can keep complaining about being ambushed.


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  • JurgenWigg
    Jul 21, 10:31 AM
    I say we'll have 5.5% next year. :) :D


    oh wait... ;)


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  • iphones4evry1
    Sep 30, 07:50 PM
    I guarantee you that Sprint, Tmobile, Verizon, and all of AT&T's other competitors are going to jump on this and make sure it is in every television commercial, print ad, radio commercial, and every other form of possible advertisement. "Do you want to have 30% of all of your calls dropped?..."

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  • salmonstk
    Apr 26, 12:49 PM
    my bet is its free for a year with any purchase of a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or ipod touch.

    Then perhaps $20 a year after. Which if true would mean few people would ever pay as long as you rbuy a new Mac or iPhone or iPad every couple of years


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  • gkarris
    Mar 7, 05:47 PM
    Can't say that I'm surprised by this. In fact, I am actually kind of happy it has happened.

    Wait, I thought the show was cancelled, then it wasn't, then it is, so what is actually going on?

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  • infidel69
    Apr 22, 08:16 PM
    If the next iPhone looks anything like that, I'll be keeping my iPhone 4 a little bit longer. :eek:

    Keep in mind that not everyone want's an oversized phone.

    Then you're better off with a 3.2" screen since Android phones with 4" screens are roughly the same size as the Iphone. The stupid home button is what's holding the Iphone back. Once you've had a phone with a 4" or bigger screen you'll never want to go back to a 3.5" screen. It's a huge difference.


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  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 31, 12:44 PM
    That will look great on the new iSteamPunkMac.

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  • Prom1
    Oct 19, 02:01 AM
    Quite a bit here. And this coming from Proud Mac owners, and Apple supporters.

    1 > The Intel CPU or platform change is gonna make HUGE strides over to Mac OS X. Multiple OS' on one machine is just pure bliss. I've got 3 ppl at work considering the switch all because of the XEON cpu & the ability to run 3 OS (MS Vista, Linux of their choice, and finally MAC OS X); but their just considering because they'll need to upgrade their hardware regardless.

    2> The MacBook Pro is due for a case colour change or revision. Its basically the PowerBook G4's case with an iSight, save for MagLite and few other things. But what will Apple make of the case? Polycarbonate, Magnesium Alloy with carbonfibre chassis? Better heat dissappation?

    3> Mac Pro; great case. Its not gonna change anytime soon, and I for one realize its Apple's Monolith machine. Heck if you dont want your G5 PowerMac or Mac Pro I'll be more than gratuitous in receiving it as a hand-me-down.

    4> I think this qtr we'll see a slowdown of iPod Nano sales due to the new aluminum enclosure, doesnt have that esthetic appeal to it; but its personal preference.

    With MW07 quickly approaching, I think the Mac Pro will get significant sales from those that are waiting, due to recent purchases - cleaning out their old G4 PowerMac closets to make way for new Xeon Core 2 Duo machines.

    With Vista awaiting to be released, I really think Apple should align their Marketing campaign to be double sided. Either cheeky to poke fun at lack of innovation and revolution to the Vista OS - but NOT at the user! Remember its actually a benefit that the end user can use the Mac Pro or Mac Book series & iMac to install Vista should the user choose to. Market this as a choice something the end user doesnt get at the office ;) Secondly I think Apple should REALLY push the features, power, security, frequent updates to improve an owners system, ALL as a viable reason to own & use both the Mac & OS X! I thought OS X is supposed to sell the hardware, well damnit Apple ADVERTISE IT!

    Bring in the big guns Apple to SHOW consumers, small business', family's etc. Get Software companies to advertise how powerful, efficient and productive their products are. How efficient users are USING the Mac. Come up with a low budget, effective direct perspective of how the Mac OS X is. Appeal to the IT Professional, appeal to the family, appeal to the rebel youth, appeal to the manager of a SOHO business, highlight business partners success that use your hardware to make their success.


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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:55 PM
    Which country are you talking about? Written in stone it's not, but obvious enough to suggest it, yes.

    Ah- we have plenty of people here in the US, just like you, who insist "fact" and "speculation" are the same things. They are not.

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  • sixth
    Nov 3, 07:33 PM
    Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.

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  • PharmD
    Jul 24, 08:22 PM
    I been meaning to free up a USB port and this may be the way to do it.

    Apr 1, 08:38 AM
    So how about a to-do list, hey Apple?

    Oh you are so right!! :eek: This loses the to-do list in iCal, thus why I had to buy a to-do list app just to sync my to-do's on iphone/iPad. Hope this does not mean a separate to-do list in OS X. Now instead of having 3 apps always open (ical, mail, address book) - it will be 4. What a resource hog.

    Even MS's new office (although with it's problems) on the windows side incorporates collaboration through chat, email, etc within apps. Time to unify iCal, mail, address book, to-do, ichat, and facetime into one nice integrated app to provide easier workflow and collaboration. Or maybe keep facetime / ichat separate for the new unified app - but allow for clicking and auto-launching to communicate with someone right from your unified (ical,address book, mail, to-do app).

    I think that would be a boon for apple and even easier to get into businesses.

    C'Mon Apple - look to how the user operates. Everything needs to be right in front of us to same time and improve workflows...

    Nov 4, 01:01 AM
    Ok so here's the newb question of the day!!

    Have to buy Windows correct regardless of Parallels or VMware?

    Nov 26, 03:09 PM
    What I said: Users of the 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash plugins is completely true. There are no Flash plugins for this device. Nobody can run a shred of Flash content in their browser on this device.

    No amount of nonsensical shouting will change the facts.

    The only thing nonsensical around here is your insistence that everything you say is correct and that no one else is allowed to have an opinion but you on a given subject.

    You like to speak for other people and act like they agree with you with no basis what-so-ever to come to that conclusion. Like I said three times now (and which you ignore, along with pretty much everything in my posts), this very thread and the sales thereof indicate a HUGE interest in being able to view Flash on iOS devices and no amount of BS nonsense on your part will change that fact. People get along without Flash until now because they had no choice (thanks to Steve). Your implication that people would return an iOS device based on just a single feature alone is ludicrous just like the logic in your posts in general. I've pointed out there is no equivalent of the iPod Touch from Android and therefore no reasonable alternative regardless of one's feelings about the inability to view Flash web sites. Instead of just acknowledging that not everyone likes Steve Jobs decision to not allow Flash (hardly an unreasonable opinion to have and clearly shared by everyone who bought this app to be able to view those sites), you just continue RANTING like a high school debate team student does just for ranting's sake. Sorry dude, but in the real world not everyone is going to agree with you or share your point-of-view about opinions. Opinion is a word you should look up, BTW since you clearly either cannot tell them from facts or simply won't allow anyone else to express their opinion without jumping down their throat. Take your pick.

    Apr 14, 09:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I wish it would just be released so I can quit hearing about.

    Sep 12, 10:38 PM
    You bought a shirt from Israel? And you live in the states? :confused:

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